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【征稿】Frontiers in psychology专栏:“媒介传播中的正念”

传媒学术网  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2024-07-28 21:29


Frontiers in psychology专栏:“媒介传播中的正念” (SSCI检索,2区,影响因子 2.6) 截稿时间: 2024年11月29号 投稿地址(或点击“阅读原文”): https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/64940/applications-of-mindfulness-in-media-and-communication-studies/overview 具体问题可咨询专栏主编: 华侨大学 刘超老师 victory666666@foxmail.com 厦门理工 陈昊老师 Haochen19606@163.com 具体征稿内容如下: In recent years, mindfulness has become an increasingly relevant topic in various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and education. Its application extends beyond traditional boundaries, influencing practices in organizational behavior, leadership, and even media and communication studies. The latter field, in particular, is experiencing a paradigm shift as researchers and practitioners recognize the potential of mindfulness to address challenges and harness opportunities within media environments. This Research ………………………………

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