大约四年前,Erika与Willi购买了一座谷仓, 并希望亲自动手对其进行重大改造。 但由于资金与自身技能有限,Erika与Willi无法对该建筑进行具有敏感性的评估,因此这项任务便由Piertzovanis Toews事务所承担下来。 对于业主和建筑师来说,这个项目都是一次紧张而有益的旅程。 Almost four years ago, we started an experiment. Erika and Willi had bought a barn, willing to carry out a major alteration by themselves. The financial means for the conversion were limited, as were the owner‘s craft skills. A sensitivity for architectural issues could not be assumed. For both, the owner and the architects, this project has been an intense yet rewarding journey. 谷仓坐落在乡村环境中,周围环绕着Riesling和Chardonnay的葡萄园,并与一座18世纪的老磨坊形成了建筑群。 虽然谷仓多年来经历了几次改造,但它的整体布局基本保持不变,外观也始终以厚厚的石