美色不同面,皆佳于目; 悲音不共声,皆快于耳。 ——【汉】王充《论衡》 A profound exploration journey into the concept of an "ideal community". 1·时光 2·砚心 3·环梦 CHAPTER·01 时光 TIME IS GENTLE. 它像是一位从容不迫的画家,用其无形的笔触,在我们的生命画卷上勾勒出一道道深浅不一的痕迹。 简约与艺术并存的高级 品质与细节皆在的舒适 Elegance coexists with artistry while premium quality and meticulous details ensure comfort 重构 绘画是一场与自己的对话 每次落笔都是对自己内心真实的探索与诠释 Painting is a dialogue with oneself Each stroke of the brush is an exploration and interpretation of one's true inner self 画中展现出来的才是最真实的自己 让瞬间变成永远 What is revealed in the painting is the truest self. Let the moment become eternity. 雀友此室 以棋会友,切磋牌艺, 营造更舒心休闲的日常