扫描上方二维码进入会议网站查看更多内容 Date: Wednesday 19 – Friday 21, June, 2024 Venue: Hybrid: Shanghai/Online On-site: Room 105 Daikin Hall, School of Economics, No 600 Guoquan Road, Fudan University, Shanghai Host: Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence (ISTBI), Fudan University Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/J4T3zVmgzk?origin=lprLink Committee Workshop Introduction The Brain Connectivity Workshop (BCW) began officially in 2002 in Dusseldorf, organized by Rolf Kotter and Karl Friston. The aim was to establish a dialogue between researchers in computational neuroscience, neuroscience methodology and experimental neuroscience about the emerging field of brain connectivity. Since then, 22 meetings have followed, all focused on particular themes in brain connectivity from the best methods to measure connectivity, to comparing modelling approaches that reflect brain dynamics, to connectivity changes in healthy and d