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语音版 :酒店英语 | 解释账单

HOTELENGLISH  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-20 20:44
完整版酒店英语课程请点击本文最下方阅读原文A: Excuse me, what are items 1 and 5?这第一和第五项是什么,能给解释解释吗?B: The first item is the cover charge. You know that the main course was $ 7.8 not $ 6.8. so item 5 is the difference.可以,第一项是附加费。主菜是7.8美元,不是6.8美元,因此第五项是差价。  同类问句:Oh, I see. But how could I be expected to know that?哦,明白了。不过,怎么能让我看懂呢?Sometimes it is a bit hard to follow. I am afraid.有时还真不易看懂。Could you kindly explain this to me? What is item 6?请给我解释一下,第六项是什么?The first item is the cover charge. Number 2 is the beer. Then your starts vegetables. The main course was 5 not 4, so item 6 is the difference.第一顶是附加费;第二项是啤酒钱,接着是第一道菜、 ………………………………

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