专栏名称: TAGChengdu
.TAG - To Another Galaxy. Dance club in Chengdu.
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8.30 周五 | DJ Sodeyama极致の日式Techno制造者

TAGChengdu  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-19 16:53


日本的艺人一向以高质量的音乐水平和long set精神为人称赞。这次我们 请到了来自日本的制作人/DJ Sodeyama,请你准备好体力,与我们一起rave整晚然后观赏21楼风景独美的夏日朝霞。 This time we start with techno, the producer/DJ Sodeyama from Japan, please prepare your strength, and let us rave all night and watch the beautiful summer sunrise on the 21st floor. .TAG 21楼风景实拍 从有电子音乐的开始到现在,无论世界范围内的流行趋势如何变换,在日本这个国度,似乎永远传承着独特的音乐感知和人文情感,这些和流派无关的抽象印象既是日本音乐人给予世人的感官。 From the beginning of electronic music to the present, no matter how the world's trends change, in Japan, the country seems to always inherit unique musical perceptions and human emotions. The ………………………………

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