近日,多位业内人士表示,新一轮存款利率下调即将到来。 (Several industry insiders have indicated that a new round of deposit interest rate cuts is imminent.) 中信证券首席经济学家明明今日在演讲中表示: 目前 货币政策降成本目标明确, 关注今年年中降息、三季度降准落地的可能性。 ( The current monetary policy has a clear target to reduce costs and pay attention to the possibility of interest rate cut in the middle of this year the implementation of the policy to lower the deposit reserve ratio in the third quarter.) 在存款利率持续下降的今天,年利率3%以上的定期存款已近乎绝迹。 ( In the current situation where deposit interest rates continue to decline, fixed deposits with an annual interest rate above 3% are almost extinct. ) 现在, 不仅全国各地中小银行纷纷宣布下调存款利率 ,就连银行以往的“吸金神器” 大额存单也都开始相继停