今日营业 【手绘 & 排版:LNS 丨 脚本:LNS & 幺九】 为什么猫咪抬头走路不会被绊倒? 为什么猫咪狂甩头不会头晕 猫咪最高能跳多高? … 原来,猫咪居然拥有这么多我们羡慕不来的能力… 👇 【本期所长互动】 你家猫咪还有哪些“超能力”? ////////// 参考资料: [1] McVea, D. A. (2006). Long-Lasting Memories of Obstacles Guide Leg Movements in the Walking Cat. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(4), 1175–1178. [2] https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0185599 [3] https://www.cuteness.com/13716881/do-cats-understand-time [4] Oxána Bánszegi,Andrea Urrutia,Péter Szenczi,Robyn Hudson. More or less: spontaneous quantity discrimination in the domestic cat[J]. Animal Cognition,2016,19(5). [5] Paola Etel Pisa,Christian Agrillo. Quantity discrimination in felines: a preliminary investigation of the domestic cat ( Felis silvestris catus )[J]. Journal of Ethology,2009,27(2). [6]