近日,由零壹城市更新设计的“传承新生”嘉兴市海盐县杨家弄区块配套设施项目正式落成。项目总建筑面积7,211平方米,涵盖展览培训、精品民宿、商业空间等多元化用途。 Recently, the “Rebirth of Heritage” Yangjianong District Supporting Facilities Project in Haiyan County, Jiaxing City, designed by LYCS Architecture, was officially completed. The project, covering a total area of 7,211 square meters, encompasses diverse functionalities such as exhibition and training spaces, boutique homestays, and commercial facilities. 项目内设的海盐非物质文化遗产馆(以下简称“非遗馆”)已开启试运营。其立面更新采用波纹穿孔铝板,通过水平线条与垂直构件的交错构图,新旧相宜,又充满现代气息。 The project includes the Haiyan Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum (referred to as the ICH Museum), which has recently commenced trial operations. The museum's facade renovat