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运筹OR帷幄  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-03 17:48


作者:留德华叫兽 本周知识星球博士招生、会议信息 New Support Size Bounds for Integer Programming, Applied to Makespan Minimization on Uniformly Related Machines PhD Position at TU Dresden, Germany We are looking for a PhD candidate (E 13 TV-L, 75%) for our project "Optimal Planning of Modular Production Networks and Sites for a Sustainable Process Industry" which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The position is at the Junior Professorship of Management Science, Faculty of Business and Economics of TU Dresden. The application deadline is June 11th, 2024. Tasks: Development of mathematical optimization models and/or exact and heuristic solution procedures Application to problem settings in the context of modular production networks in the process industry Communication of research results at international conferences Preparation of scientific publications for peer-reviewed journals Support of project administration and the possibility to participa ………………………………

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