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宝马客  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2017-05-10 20:33
#如果你选择活在别人的眼里,你就注定要死在别人的嘴里#「你有心灵鸡汤,暖心 ;我有车迷毒药,激情!」《Sing me to sleep》--Alan WalkerWait a second let me catch my breathRemind me how it feels to hear your voiceYour lips are moving I can't hear a thingLiving life as if we had a choiceAnywhere anytimeI would do anything for youAnything for youYesterday got awayMelodies stuck inside your headA song in every breathSing me to sleep nowSing me to sleepWon't you sing me to sleep nowSing me to sleepRemember me now time can not eraseI can hear your whispers in my mindI've become what you can not embraceOur memory will be my lullabySing me to sleep nowSing me to sleepWon't you sing me to sleep nowSing me to sleep戳这里↓↓↓史上最强!奔驰宝马差别总结20条宝马最美3系音乐铃声下载在这里! ………………………………

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