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九言 | 记住一句话:不要跟眼界不一样的人争辩。

读书有范  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-20 06:00


这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』  7.20 当你接触的人越多,你会发现,比你层次高的人鼓励你,同一层次的人欣赏你,比你层次低的人,才会抵毁你。 The more people you come into contact with, the more you will find that those at a higher level encourage you, those at the same level appreciate you, and those at a lower level will belittle you. 人的情绪起落是与他对事实的感知成反比的,你对事实了解得越少,就越容易动感情。 The rise and fall of a person's emotions are inversely proportional to their perception of facts. The less you know about facts, the easier it is to develop emotions. 一个人之所以有意思,是因为他大量阅读,习惯思考,放缓脚步,投入深度对话,并为自己创建了一个丰满的内心世界。 A person is interesting because they read extensively, get used to thinking, slow down, engage in deep conversations, and create a rich inner world for themselves. ………………………………

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