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手艺之家 I “电厂配置器”

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-10 08:40


© Studio Fang 手艺之家–“电厂配置器(Power Station Configurator)”是一个由脚手架构成的建筑装置,它将上海当代艺术博物馆的三层临江平台转化成为一个灵活多变的场域。人们在临江平台的狭窄入口处首先看到的是一个脚手架模块,而在它背后的平台上则是更多的模块,它们向黄浦江边依次排开构成了一个关注中国当代手工艺的创作现场。 The "Power Station Configurator" is a construction device composed of scaffolding that transforms the three story riverside platform of the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art into a flexible and versatile field. The first thing people see at the narrow entrance of the Linjiang platform is a scaffolding module, while on the platform behind it are more modules arranged in sequence towards the Huangpu River, forming a creative scene that focuses on contemporary Chinese handicrafts.  手艺之家 I “电厂配置器”   Craft Home I "Power Pla ………………………………

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