作者:留德华叫兽 本周知识星球博士招生、会议信息 International Federation of Operational
Research Societies IWOCA 2024: 35th International Workshop on
Combinatorial Algorithms CO@Work2024 online After the in-person event is fully booked, we are happy to announce that a limited(!)* version of CO@Work will take place online. From September 16 to 27, around 30 experts from various countries and industries will give Zoom lectures (~3h per day) centered around the computational aspects of Optimization and ML in industry practice.
Confirmed speakers include:
Timo Berthold, FICO Xpress & TU Berlin
Petra Bauer, Siemens
Ralf Borndörfer, FU Berlin and ZIB
Zsolt Csizmádia, Amazon
Ambros Gleixner, HTW Berlin and ZIB
Martin Grötschel, BBAW
Julian Hall, University of Edinburgh
Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Delivery Hero
Tim Januschowski, Databricks
Thorsten Koch, TU Berlin and ZIB
Jan Kronqvist, KTH
Pawel Lichocki, Google
Andrea Lodi, Cornell Tech
Marco Lübbecke, RWTH Aachen