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何凯文考研英语  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-10-30 18:25


关注的我的微博:何凯文 即可看到链接! 九点四十一直播! 今天的句子,点击下方蓝色字体! 链接: 写作需要知道的句子 又到了做题的时候了,今天KK为大家准备了极其精美的大餐! Despite your best intentions and efforts, it is inevitable: At some point in your life, you will be wrong.Mistakes can be hard to digest, so sometimes we double down rather than face them. Our confirmation bias kicks in, causing us to seek out evidence to prove what we already believe. The car you cut off has a small dent in its bumper, which obviously means that it is the other driver’s fault. The dent on the bumper of the car is mentioned to show that_____. (A) it is clear that other driver’s fault should be responsible for it.  (B) it is evident  your  error should be responsible for this small dent. (C) our confirmation ………………………………

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