专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 6.2):截止2025年6月30日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-21 17:58


Cutting-Edge Testing and Data Analytics for Constructional Materials Advancements in construction materials play a pivotal role in shaping modern infrastructure's safety, longevity, and adaptability. However, traditional material testing methods often fall short of meeting the demands for efficiency and accuracy by current engineering requirements. With the advent of advanced sensing and characterization technologies, coupled with modern data processing techniques and artificial intelligence (AI), a new frontier emerges in evaluating and monitoring the performance of construction materials, promising significant enhancements in both scientific understanding and practical application. This special issue invites contributions on the development and application of cutting-edge sensing and characterization technologies, self-adaptive capabilities, and innovative data analysis methods to optimize the characterization and design of construction materials. Topics of interest include, but are ………………………………

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