点击海报跳转详情 EMOLI Sentencers 「嫑管 来就占!」全国巡演天津站 10.06 · 周日 · @GAS 21:30-Late Special Guest EMOLI Sentencers 10月6日 周日晚,来自河北的嘻哈团体 「EMOLI Sentencers」 的「嫑管 来就占!」全国巡演天津站来到@GAS。他们将带来一场极具情绪化的,带有先锋气质的电子嘻哈专场演出。 嘻哈演出之后,GAS 将开始 After Party, LEAH 、 CISCO 掌控舞池,带来整夜多元、抽象的音乐体验。 EMOLI Sentencers 10.06 · Sun @GAS 22:00-late Special Guest EMOLI Sentencers On Sunday night, October 6, the Hebei hip-hop group "EMOLI Sentencers" will come to GAS for their "Don't worry, come and take it!" national tour in Tianjin. They will bring an emotional, avant-garde electronic hip-hop performance. After the hip-hop performance, GAS will start the After Party, with a mysterious DJ taking control of the dance floor, bringing a night of diverse and abstract music experience. 这