人与人之间的很多矛盾 都是从傲慢中来的。 都觉得自己 比别人更高明, 比别人更有见识, 比别人更正确, 于是相互轻视, 矛盾也就逐渐生起。 怎样才能消除矛盾呢? 首先要学会 把自己的心态放平, 多看自己的缺点, 多看别人的优点, 让傲慢的心变得谦虚恭敬。 内心世界改变, 外在世界自然变, 所处的环境自然就融洽了。 --- 加措活佛 We often complain: why are others always
bullying andopposing me, causing me frustration? Actually there is not a person
in theworld who can make you feel frustrated, except yourself. Those with a
peacefulstate of mind can get through dark times, but those who are always
sensitivewill feel blown apart by the slightest breeze. If you focus always on
what youare getting and losing, your suffering will become heavier. Try to let
go ofthe concept of “me”! 有缘请加我公众微信 长按上图二维码即可添加