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新作丨锦城吃茶 / 赤梁STUDIO

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2025-01-11 10:02


  锦城吃茶在成都的第一家门店,就坐落于来福士广场商业区。应品牌之邀,赤梁设计工作室在商场中厅置入这座“茶亭”,在紧凑的空间内,让食客能更近距离体验品牌温暖,匠心,松弛的茶饮空间,为茶文化底蕴构建场所。 The first shop in Chengdu is located in the Raffles City business district. At the invitation of the brand, we placed this tea shop in the centre of the business district, allowing diners to experience the brand's rigorous, warm and green tea space more closely in a compact space, building a place for tea culture. 罗汉松于中心区域赋予空间生命力与能量, 有意将视线聚集一处, 可观绿植自由生长。将富有造型感的自然植被置入这一隅小小观景台,增强自然与手作茶饮的联系,更将“吃茶”这一文化融入品牌空间。 Intentionally focusing on one spot, the Luohan Pine in the centre area gives life and energy to the space, and ………………………………

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