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Charlotte Chesnai 巴黎,开启新的珠宝旅程

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-27 17:40


巴黎珠宝品牌   Paris Jewelry Brand Chartlotte Chesnais JEWELRY DESIGN FASHION TRAVEL LIFESTYLE 我一直重视产品力,而不是其他。 I've always valued productiveness above all else. 珠宝,既能美观地佩戴于身体上,又是值得我们去欣赏的艺术品。Charlotte Chesnais的作品不仅是简单的耳环、戒指、手镯或项链,它们无不是美的体现,如何更好地去展现亦是Charlotte的重要使命。 Jewelry is not only beautiful to wear on the body, but also a work of art to be admired, and Charlotte Chesnais' creations are not only simple earrings, rings, bracelets or necklaces, but they are also the embodiment of beauty, which is Charlotte's mission. 左右滑动查看更多 Designed by Valeriane Lazar Charlotte Chesnais是一家位于巴黎的独立时尚品牌,由珠宝设计师和雕塑家Charlotte Chesnais成立于2015年,体现了她对建筑、艺术与巴黎的热爱。凭借着“对美的创造”,Charlotte Chesnais作 ………………………………

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