“这里不仅是守护民众健康的坚固堡垒,更是企业精神与生活态度的生动映射。”秉持设计初衷, Aedas全球设计董事王烨冰率团队在长沙国家高新技术产业开发区核心腹地,为医药领军企业益丰集团精心打造集智慧办公与生态示范于一体的战略性总部基地——益丰大药房第二总部, 重构了药企总部形象,更通过一系列绿色技术集成,重新定义健康产业建筑的可持续发展范式。 In the Changsha
National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Aedas Global Design Principal
Kevin Wang has designed a strategic headquarters for Yifeng Group. The headquarters
integrates intelligent office spaces with the nature, reshaping a benchmark for
pharmaceutical headquarters. Through the integration of green features, it
redefines the sustainable development of pharmaceutical industry. 融生态人文多元的园区典范 A modern park that
integrates ecology and culture 项目基地