专栏名称: Sixth Tone
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Rough Ride: A Woman’s Journey to Save Her Stallion

Sixth Tone  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-16 21:11


After her horse suffered a fractured leg, a Beijing mother spent six months and hundreds of thousands of yuan to get it back on its feet. “I think Hanzi might be dying.” That was all Zhang Jingyi was able to say into the phone to her best friend before she broke down in tears. Her beloved stallion, Hanzi, who had helped her through the dark days of postnatal depression, had broken his leg — a potential death sentence. The limbs of a horse are fragile. When one leg is injured, it increases the pressure on the other three and can cause laminitis, an inflammation of the hoof. The condition is extremely uncomfortable for the animal, as is the treatment for a broken bone, which requires putting the leg in a cast and preventing the horse from moving for months. In this situation, most owners — knowing that they will likely never be able to ride their horse again, even if it fully heals — will opt for euthanasia, to save time and money and spare the animal further pain. But Zhang wa ………………………………

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