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Plate selector,西班牙巴塞罗那

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-14 07:07


There are very special projects and this is one of them. Working with friends is always the best. Start together and grow together. Almost 10 years ago we designed the first Plate and today we present its new HQ. 有一些非常特殊的项目,这是其中之一。与朋友一起工作永远是最好的。一起开始,一起成长。大约 10 年前,我们设计了第一块 Plate 板块,今天我们推出了它的新总部。 Plate selector is a gastronomy-oriented content creation agency that publishes through its website and social networks. Founded by Alba Yanez, Khaled Abbas and Juan Navaza. Its high growth in recent years created the need for new offices. Having collaborated with them 10 years ago, we embarked on a new adventure with them designing these offices. Plate selector 是一家以美食为导向的内容创作机构,通过其网站和社交网络发布。由 Alba Yanez、Khaled Abbas 和 Juan Navaza 创立。近年来的高增长产生了对新办公 ………………………………

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