论坛简介 Introduction of the Forum 本届论坛将设立主论坛及分论坛。主论坛将由开幕式、专题报告和学校整体介绍3个部分组成。分论坛将依托各单位根据不同学科和领域设立。此次论坛采用线下研讨和线上直播的方式,参会青年学者可多方位了解学校,并与校内相关专业领域学者交流探讨、相关职能部门沟通对话。 The forum is divided into a main forum and several sub-forums. The main forum will consist of an opening ceremony, keynote speeches and an overall introduction of ECNU. The subforums will be organized by schools/departments according to different disciplines and fields. All the forums adopt a combination of offline seminars and online live broadcasts. Participants will have the opportunity to explore ECNU, discuss with scholars in their own fields, and communicate with administrative offices of the university. 日程安排 Schedule 论坛定于 2024年11月29日 举行,详情