专栏名称: POTENT
Amplify Yourself🔭Shanghai
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10.1 周二 • Mareena - 心灵休旅

POTENT  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-26 19:00


柏林艺术家  Mareena 与电子乐的初遇始于她在东德度过的青少年时期,她在日以继夜的废墟派对中目睹了彼时电子乐惊人的崛起。 对立中的平衡始终是 Mareena 创作的核心,无论是为世界各地俱乐部精心编排的黑胶 set,还是作为厂牌 UNRUSH 创始人发行的作品都完美讲述了这种二元论的融合。 “永恒的音乐意指它足够优秀以至于不会受到当前任何趋势或社会话题的影响。音乐本身不需要太多解释,总有一天每个人都能够感受它。” —— Mareena If you embody an attitude to music fully, you carry a spirit forward, not trends.Mareena's deep connection with electronic music began in her early teenage years in East Germany, where she experienced the quaking rise of techno. Growing up amidst youth club culture and underground parties in abandoned buildings, she was shaped by the no-nonsense, freedom-oriented spirit of the post-communist era. But it was when ………………………………

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