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Call for paper (IF 11.0):截止2024年12月30日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-08 17:58


The Evolution of Retail Careers Guest Editors:  Prof. Jung-Kun Park , Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (Viroid2007@gmail.com)  Dr. Frances Gunn , Ted Rogers School of Retail Management, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada (fgunn@torontomu.ca) Special issue information: The special issue is welcoming any research topic related to The Evolution of Retail Careers. Topics in this area may include, but are not limited to, the following: Perceptions of retail careers Retail human resource development processes Jurisdictional examinations of retail careers Generational perceptions of retail careers Social construction of occupational jurisdiction Career identity The role of retail education The nature of post-secondary retail education programs Experiential learning in retail education Innovations in retail education programing The current state of retail-focused academic research Situated learning and retail communities of practice Regulative requirements Any other creative re ………………………………

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