专栏名称: 数字人文研究
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Notice of Conference (No. 2)|CDH2024 is coming!

数字人文研究  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-22 11:10


Notice of Conference “Integration of Arts and Sciences: Digital Humanities in the Age of AGI” CDH2024 November 8th-10th, 2024, Shanghai University Notice of Conference (No. 2) In 2019, in Dunhuang, China, digital humanities scholars from China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and other countries gathered together to discuss " Digitalization of Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities Research ". This marked the beginning of the first Chinese Digital Humanities Annual Conference, with a global vision of shared progress and co-creation of the future. In 2020, in Shanghai, the second Chinese Digital Humanities Annual Conference focused deeply on the issues related to digital humanities in China, under the theme " Benevolence and Excellence: Digital Humanities and Chinese Culture " During this conference, the Digital Humanities Professional Committee of the The China Society of Indexers (CSI) was officially established. In 2023, the Digital Humanities Division of the Ch ………………………………

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