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NPR News | 阿根廷成为拉美地区首个堕胎合法化国家

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2021-01-04 10:14


板块 【新朋友】 点击标题下面蓝字 【 可可英语 】 加关注 【老朋友】 点击手机右上角图标 【 转发分享 】 内容 听力文本 In Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, there's a giant domed Congress building that looks a little similar to the one in Washington. That building faces a plaza, and on that plaza, in this morning's very early hours, people were celebrating... (CHEERING) INSKEEP: ...Celebrating because Argentina's Congress had just voted to legalize abortion. Argentina is the first big Latin American country to go so far. NPR's South America correspondent Philip Reeves has been following events and joins us. Philip, good morning. PHILIP REEVES, BYLINE: Good morning. INSKEEP: What was the scene overnight? REEVES: Well, that crowd you heard had been there pretty much all night and some from sort of early afternoon yesterday. Many ………………………………

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