Inspired by Octavio Paz’s poem “The Simple Life,” P ’s design for a private villa in Shanghai embraces a simple yet profound concept: “Home is just home.” The design respects and understands the residents’ lives, replacing ostentation with genuine expression. All artistic elements converge on one answer: to express friendliness and intimacy. P views the garage entrance hall as a space that captures life’s moments, where forms, objects, and plants collectively define a personal realm for the residents. 受奥克塔维奥·帕斯 (Octavio Paz) 的诗《简单的生活》(The Simple Life) 的启发,P 在上海设计的一栋私人别墅体现了一个简单而深刻的理念:“家就是家”。设计尊重并理解居民的生活,用真实的表达代替浮夸。所有的艺术元素都集中在一个答案上:表达友善和亲密。 P 将车库入口大厅视为一个捕捉生活瞬间的空间,其中的形式、物体和植物共同定义了居