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学术讲座 | 系统生物学系列 - 转录凝聚物表面增强子-启动子通讯的动态触碰模型 - 07/21 09:00

生信石头  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-21 08:30


A dynamic kissing model for enhancer-promoter communication on the surface of transcriptional condensate Zhihua Zhang ABSTRACT Enhancer-promoter (E-P) communication is key to gene transcription regulation in eukaryotes. The formation of transcriptional condensates, which might be caused by liquid-liquid phase separation, has been considered as an important mechanism for E-P contacts. However, the detailed kinetic mechanism of how the condensates mediate E-P contacts, and how such contacts may regulate gene transcription remain unclear. Here, we proposed a polymer physics-based E-P communication model. By comparing multiple model settings, we found one scenario matches experimental data most when E-P contacts were constrained to the spherical surface of condensates. Based on this observation, we proposed a model of gene expression regulation with E-P dynamically kissing on the surface of transcriptional condensates. Last, we demonstrated that a seemingly contradiction of gene expression ………………………………

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