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Yerse Shop,西班牙巴塞罗那

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-14 07:07


We have created a special shop, a space that carries our essence to every corner. And we did it the year we celebrated our 60th anniversary. 我们创造了一个特别的商店,一个将我们的精髓带到每个角落的空间。我们在庆祝成立 60 周年的那一年做到了。 Yerse is an ode to detail to things well done, to tradition, to the Mediterranean, to Barcelona, to vernacular architecture, to Coderch. Yerse 是对细节的颂歌,是对美好事物的颂歌,是对传统、对地中海、对巴塞罗那、对乡土建筑、对 Coderch 的颂歌。 An honest, warm space where craftsmanship and plays a fundamental role! 一个诚实、温暖的空间,工艺在这里发挥着根本作用! A project that has the will to become a welcoming space! A close space that wants to make you feel at home. 一个有意愿成为一个温馨空间的项目!一个让您有宾至如归的封闭空间。 It combines the elements of work, decks, sofas, lattices with the m ………………………………

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