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【Economist】The economics of migration: Delayed reaction

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-22 09:50


中文导读 随着美国的移民政策收紧,移民数量下降。多项研究认为,短期内,移民数量减少造成总劳动力供给减少,客观上确会导致工资上涨。但从长期来看,整体经济会适应这一形势,企业在产品种类、资本投资上会做相应调整,短期的利好会消失。若再考虑到移民对创新创业和贸易联系的积极影响,打压移民更是得不偿失。 Immigration is down. Wages are up. Are the two related? IN BOTH 2018 and 2019 nominal wages rose by more than 3%, the fastest growth since before the recession a decade ago. Americans at the bottom of the labour market are doing especially well. In the past year the wages of those without a high-school diploma have risen by nearly 10%. Intriguingly, this has come as America has turned considerably less friendly to immigrants, who are assumed by many t ………………………………

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