墨西哥海滩附近的独栋住宅 Nua Nakūi ,位于一个药草农场间。它的屋主兼设计师 Jasmine Scalesciani-Hawken 有着意大利和阿根廷混血基因,她将曾在意大利 Sardinia 岛的童年生活作为设计灵感,采用当地的石头、木材和缟玛瑙来营造住宅,使其与自然融为一体。试图于既高雅又原始的环境中、合理的设计以及健康与轻松的氛围里探寻和谐的平衡之意。 Nua Nak i, a single-family house near Mexico Beach, is located among an herb farm. Owner and designer Jasmine Scalesciani-Hawken, who has mixed Italian and Argentinian genes, drew inspiration from her childhood on the island of Sardinia, Italy, using local stone, wood and onyx to create a house that blends with nature. It seeks to find a harmonious balance between elegant and primitive surroundings, rational design and healthy and relaxed atmosphere. Jasmine Scalesciani-Hawken 将这座住宅设计成了一个健康空间和水疗中心