专栏名称: 财政论文撷英
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财政论文撷英  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-18 09:46


题目: General Equilibrium Effects and Model Testing in Trade: Insights from Regional Shocks and Trade Policy 时 间 : 2 0 2 4 年11 月18 日   星 期一  9 :30-11:30 报 告 人 : 孙昶  副教授 地 点 : 线上腾讯会议(会议号: 497-951-695 ) 主 持 人 : 谢晓晨 摘要:  In this lecture, we explore two key papers that advance our understanding of the economic consequences of international trade shocks and policy changes. The first paper, "General Equilibrium Effects in Space: Theory and Measurement", extends traditional shift-share empirical methods to capture the general equilibrium effects of regional trade shocks. By incorporating spatial links between markets, this approach provides new insights into how international shocks impact U.S. labor markets, with indirect effects amplifying the negative outcomes for employment and wages. The second paper, "Putting Quantitative Models to the Test: An Application to Trump’s Trade War", introduces an I ………………………………

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