专栏名称: GISer last
GISer last 公众号 主要以分享互联网数据资源为主。也分享过GIS、FME等技术教程方法。我个人对于大数据资源、可视化制作、地图制图等方面有很大兴趣,也会分享个人的一些应用和教程。
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GISer last  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-01 22:02


文章信息 题目: Carbon inequality in China: Novel drivers and policy driven scenario analysis 作者: 徐冲,王冰洁,陈建东,沈智扬 * ,宋马林 * ,安佳夫 期刊: Energy Policy 详细: 170 , 113259 , 2022 年 9 月 DOI : 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.113259 文章摘要 Even though carbon inequality (CI) affects international climate negotiations and regional carbon emission reduction policies, a majority of countries ignore the individual sub-national-level CI and its important drivers (e.g., efficiency, technological change, investment, and industrialization). Thus, there is an urgent need to develop relevant carbon emission reduction policies that can incorporate the effects of these drivers. In this study, we investigated the drivers of CI in China at individual provincial and national levels, using a newly developed individual Gini decomposition approach and a proposed within-between production-theoretical decomposition-based Theil index; notably, the ………………………………

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