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计算机 | IEEE期刊专刊截稿信息3条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-19 10:23


计算机网络 IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking Machine Learning and Intelligent Signal Processing for Near-Field Technologies 全文截稿: 2025-03-01 影响因子: 5.646 CCF分类: 无 中科院JCR分区:   • 小类 : 计算机科学 - 2区   • 小类 : 电信学 - 2区 网址: https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tccn/ Call for Papers Submit a Paper The emergence of revolutionary applications, such as extended reality, digital twins, Metaverse, and holographic video, impose stringent requirements in the data rate, latency, reliability, coverage, and energy efficiency of the forthcoming 6G and beyond (B6G) wireless network. To achieve these ambitious objectives, two most important technical trends are (1) the employment of extremely large-scale antenna arrays, such as supermassive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), and continuous-aperture arrays (CAPA); and (2) the use of tremendousl ………………………………

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