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【直播】【生命天眼论 | 表型组学前沿论坛】Jose Arturo Molina Mora教授:Massive Data…

蔻享学术  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-20 00:00


Massive Data, Bioinformatics, and Artificial Intelligence for Developing Phenomics in Latin America? Challenges, Opportunities, and Experiences 2025年1月20日 10:00 2025年1月20日, Jose Arturo Molina Mora 教授将为大家作题为“ Massive Data, Bioinformatics, and Artificial Intelligence for Developing Phenomics in Latin America? Challenges, Opportunities, and Experiences ”学术报告,详情如下。 蔻享学术 扫码观看直播 报告人介绍 Jose Arturo Molina Mora Jose Arturo Molina Mora is a full professor and scientific researcher with formation in Microbiology and Clinical Chemistry, specialist in Bioinformatics and with more than 15 years of experience at the University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica. He has coordinated more than 10 projects and collaborated in other 15 on different topics of medical-biological relevance, as well as participating as a teacher in various courses and theses in the areas of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Mathematical ………………………………

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