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杭州 融创杭氧——屋顶泳池酒店+花园办公 | Waterlily荷于

景观设计小学徒  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-05-29 18:38
01 设计理念Design concept森 • 屿 • 城以森之灵感 溯源杭氧印记Inspired by Sen, trace the origin of the Hang Oxygen Imprint02 总体设计DESIGN NODES 城 • 泳池酒店Pool hotel以现代之形,续写东方美学内核,让东方美学气质氤氲在都市中。In the form of modernity, we continue to write the core of oriental aesthetics, so that the oriental aesthetic temperament is in the city.△效果图Renderings褪去城市喧嚣陈杂,感受静水葱绿与喧嚣咫尺之遥,却仿佛置身时光之外,兀自明净澄澈。Fade away the hustle and bustle of the city, feel the still water lush and noisy distance away, but it seems to be outside of time, Wu Zi clear and clear.△效果图Renderings△效果图Renderings△效果图Renderings△总平面图Master plan屿 • 花园办公Garden office漂浮于城市间的“度假岛屿”,无需远行,生活亦如度假。Floating between the cities of the "holiday island", there is ………………………………

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