专栏名称: 社会学理论大缸
网址www.sociologicaltheory.cn以抢二道贩子饭碗为目标,传达学习Sociological Theory等英文期刊前沿经典有关精神,抓好摘译推送中心工作,把推动汉语社会学理论发展作为根本遵循、行动指南和精神动力个屁。
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社会学博士奖学金信息01| 丹麦哥本哈根大学,9月截止

社会学理论大缸  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2018-08-18 09:42


PhD scholarship at the Department of Sociology,  University of Copenhagen (UCPH) Applicants are invited to apply for a PhD scholarship with the Department of Sociology, UCPH. The chosen candidates will enrol at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences. Employment is to begin on 15 November 2018 . As part of the PhD studies, the PhD student must spend at least 12 months in China at a Chinese research environment that is actively involved in the educational activities of the Master’s program at the Sino-Danish Center (SDC) in Beijing.    The PhD student will join a research program that will examine China’s changing economy and transitioning employment relations by looking at how work is being re-organized, along with the emergence of new types of work and jobs. I t will focus on the rise of the tertiary industry (service sector) ………………………………

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