读中译本《超越百岁》里面有这么一段: 一旦确定了apoB的核心重要性,下一个问题就变成了,需要将它(或它代表的LDL-C水平)降低多少才能实现有意义的风险降低。各种治疗指南规定了LDL-C的目标范围,一般正常风险患者为100mg/dL,高风险个体为70mg/dL。在我看来,这个标准仍然太高了。 简而言之, 我认为如果治疗没有副作用的话,你不能过多地降低apoB和LDL-C,只能希望尽可能的低一些。 我找到了英文原文是: Once you establish the central importance of apoB, the next question becomes, By how much does one need to lower it (or its proxy LDL-C) to achieve meaningful risk reduction? The various treatment guidelines specify target ranges for LDL-C, typically 100 mg/dL for patients at normal risk, or 70 mg/dL for high-risk individuals. In my view, this is still far too high. Simply put, I think you can’t lower apoB and LDL-C too much, provided there