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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-12-31 14:05


沉默是不争, 是不计较, 是对自己负责, 也是对别人负责。 内心厚重之人, 往往看起来都是慈祥的, 因为他们的心是微笑的。 就像我的上师 法王如意宝一样, 我每次见到他, 内心都有一种由衷的喜悦。 铭记上师的教导, 只有往自己心里 感到踏实的地方走, 才不会出错。 --- 加措活佛 There are two reasons peoplefeel worn down by life: one is that they are too serious, and another is thatthey desire too much. Desire and temptation with a confused heart often causeus to struggle with pursuing what we want and giving up. We feel conflictedwith what we should try to get and what we should let go of. Actually, when weare happy, we need to remember the happiness will not last forever; just likewhen we suffer, we should realize the suffering will not always last. The pointwhen we learn to give up is the point when we no longer will feel frustrated. Jia Cuo Rinpoche 有缘请加我公众微信 ………………………………

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