这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』 8.5 把期待变低,把依赖减少,渐渐地你总会过得越来越好。 Lower your expectations, reduce your dependence, and gradually you will live better and better. 人也罢,花草和其他生物也罢,凡是过度想表现自己,就会使观众扫兴,减弱了它本来所具有的魅力。 Whether it's humans, flowers, plants, or other creatures, any excessive desire to express oneself will dampen the audience's mood and weaken its original charm. 人生是一首诗,微笑着对它,拾取点点诗意。 Life is a poem, smile at it, pick up a little bit of poetry. 当你自己选择了与众不同的生活方式之后,又何必去在乎别人以与众不同的眼光来看你。 Why bother caring about others seeing you differently when you have chosen a unique way of life. 生活,真实的生活,就是一场战斗,需要不屈不挠的意志和坚定的决心。 Life, real life, is a battle that requires indomit