专栏名称: DataFunSummit
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DataFunSummit  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-25 18:00


8月4日演讲嘉宾概览 叶荫宇 美国斯坦福大学管理科学与工程系及计算数学工程研究院李国鼎讲座教授 简介: Yinyu Ye is currently the K.T. Li Professor of Engineering at Department of Management Science and Engineering and Institute of Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University. His current research topics include Continuous and Discrete Optimization, Data Science and Applications, Numerical Algorithm Design and Analyses, Algorithmic Game/Market Equilibrium. Operations Research and Management Science etc.; and he was one of the pioneers of Interior-Point Methods, Conic Linear Programming, Distributionally Robust Optimization, Online Linear Programming and Learning, Algorithm Analyses for Reinforcement Learning and Markov Decision Process, and etc. He has received several scientific awards including, including the 2009  John von Neumann Theory Prize  for fundamental sustained contributions to theory in Operations Research and th ………………………………

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