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VOA | 以色列6岁小男孩监护权争夺战

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2021-12-06 16:23


点击下方名片关注我们 双语文本 Israel's Supreme Court upheld lower court rulings in the bitter custody battle surrounding a 6-year-old boy who survived a cable car crash in Italy. 以色列最高法院维持了下级法院对一名6岁男孩监护权争夺战的裁决,这名男孩在意大利一场缆车事故中幸存。 The court saying he should be returned to his relatives there within two weeks. 法院表示,他应该在两周内被送回他在意大利的亲戚那里。 Eitan Biran has been the focus of a legal battle between his paternal relatives in Italy and his maternal family in Israel since surviving the May 23 cable car crash. 自从在5月23日的缆车事故中幸存以来,Eitan Biran一直是他在意大利的父亲方亲属和在以色列的母亲方家人之间法律斗争的焦点。 The crash killed 14 people, including his parents and yo ………………………………

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