题目: Spillover Effects in Complementary Markets: A Study of the Indian Cell Phone and Wireless Service Markets 时 间 : 2 0 2 4 年11 月25 日 星 期一 10:00-11:30 报 告 人 : 范瑛 副教授 地 点 : 明德主楼 830 主 持 人 : 孙昂 摘要: This paper studies indirect network effects on firm entry and product variety. Specifically, we quantify how technologically advanced international firms in an open market contribute to the development of a complementary market by encouraging entry (a cross-market spillover effect), which in turn benefits domestic firms in the open market by increasing their profits from new products (a within-market spillover effect). Our context is the Indian mobile phone industry during the 4G rollout, consisting of the cell phone market (which sells phones) and the wireless service market (which sells plans). International firms play an important role in the cell phone market. Using data on sales, prices, and product availabi