关键观点1: 清华大学建筑系的扩展和重要性
关键观点2: 建筑师的工作内容和挑战
关键观点3: 建筑领域的新发展和变化
关键观点4: 个人生活和朋友的状态
关键观点5: 对未来的展望和心愿
Tsing Hua, Peking December 30, 1956 Dear Wilma: It is a pleasant surprise to hear from you again after all these long years. I was away in Poland and Germany when T. S. came back with your warm letter which reached me only after my return to Peking a few days ago. Yes, Wilma, I know that you will share with me my grief over P.'s death and I am deeply touched by your sympathy and condolescence. It is more than a year and a half now. She fought most courageously against her poor health and was undaunted till the last moment. It may console you a little to know that she was never so happy over life and work as in her last 6½ years. Like all the intelligentsia in China today, she had already seen with unshakable conviction and absolute self-confidence a picture of the great and bright future for her country and her people. In spite of her very poor health, she proudly shares with other architects the responsibility and burden of reconstructing the country and the training of future genera