大家还记得美国那位与儿子“交换血液”,试图“返老还童”的亿万富翁吗? 他叫 布莱恩·约翰逊 (Bryan Johnson),最近又凭实力在外网刷屏了,因为他为了美往脸上注射脂肪,结果翻车成了这个样子: The 47-year-old multimillionaire, who is known for his outlandish anti-ageing treatments, sought the jabs as part of his quest for a 'baby face'. 这位47岁的百万富翁因其奇葩的抗衰老治疗而闻名,他接受这些注射是为了让自己的皮肤像婴儿般光滑。 But the procedure went disastrously wrong, resulting in extreme swelling of his upper face that caused him to temporarily lose his vision. 然而,手术的结果完全适得其反,他上脸剧烈肿胀,使他暂时失明。 Sharing the experience with his 953,000 Instagram followers, the entrepreneur said the unfortunate reaction kicked in 30 minutes after the treatment. 他在Instagram上与95.3万粉丝分享了这个经历,并表示