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Charme Home,意大利古萨戈

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-03-02 07:35


喜欢本篇文章的可以转存下载WORD版本查看 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/4f028b891a86 In Gussago, in the province of Brescia, Italy, a newly built villa stands out from the crowd. This villa, carefully designed by Flussocreativo Design Studio, is not only a living space, but also an architectural work of art that combines innovation and functionality, perfectly interpreting the harmonious coexistence of architecture and nature, indoors and outdoors. 在意大利布雷西亚省的古萨戈,一座新建的别墅在住宅群中脱颖而出。这座由 Flussocreativo Design Studio 精心打造的别墅,不仅是一处居住空间,更是创新与功能兼具的建筑艺术品,完美诠释了建筑与自然、室内与室外的和谐共生。 The villa has three floors. Although the overall appearance is not described in detail, it can be inferred from its design concept that it should be cleverly integrated with the surrounding environment. In a newly built residentia ………………………………

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