近日,八达岭长城开通北京首条常态化无人机配送航线,配送航线降落点设在八达岭长城南城延长线的南九城楼,无人机配送从起飞到配送降落最快仅需5分钟。游客在游览该区域时可以点外卖,解决饮用水、简餐、防暑和应急药品等需求。 Fancy some steamed buns or sandwiches to beat the hunger pangs when hiking on the Great Wall? Gone are the days of a 50-minute trek—now, drones have got us covered, slashing the journey to a mere 5 minutes. Operating in the South Nine Towers area of Badaling, the service promises delivery by drones within five to 15 minutes. 图源:新京报 据悉,南九城楼区域于2023年年底面向公众开放。与此前已开放的八达岭长城建筑形态完整不同,这段长城在排除险情和病害后,保留了残状,并采取少量、小规模、预约制、集体组织形式,主要开展户外徒步、探险穿越、长城研学、旅拍等活动。为