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A letter

东方鹭  · 简书  ·  · 2019-05-12 06:12

Hi, my beloved offspring:

I am your papa, at this time, I am feeling your quickening, I am calling you,can you hear me? someday when you can read this, I will be more ancient than I am right now.

Confucius said,"since 30,I have been well established", but, for now, I have not been well established, it's a shame of this, but upon this occasion, I think I'd tell you what my perspective on life is...

Relax, not so serious, I am just your intimate friend who guiding you right now and future.

You will grow up day after day, you are my precious treasure, I will try my best to feed you tenderly, even right now, I am so poor. Babe, I have not own a housing right now, but I am your shelter. I have not so much deposit in the bank, but I am rich, because of you and your mum, here's what makes me happy...

As a human being, you should known what makes you happy, money is important, you should earn a lot of it, you have to feed your family, but, you shuold bear in mind, money is not every thing...

Your family, is the most important thing,every member is invaluable, you should never forget, on the family, filial piety as the first, filial piety to parents, including children, brothers and sisters...

Your friends, who are kind and who do not get mad at you if you forget to call them, you should cherish them,whether they are rich or poor, whether they are in the high position or in the rank and file...

Your surrounding nature environment,you can use your senses of touch, taste, sight, and hearing to feel the beauty of nature, you should understand the complex relationship of man to his environment, everything you eat and use comes from it, you should respect it and preserve it...

Your body, comes from me and your mum, we give you the life, you should cherish it, whether how high you can fly or how low you may get, the universe doesn't give you something without taking something away, you are not the center of the world, you should calm down when you are in trouble, do not do foolish things to hurt yourself, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, you smlie to the life, and vice versa...

Your career, whether you like the sports or the entertainment or the art or the science, you should choose what ever you are intersted in, never do things by halves! ...

And there, holding your mum, I'll be there waiting for you, I believe you will be my pride...

See you in the future, my babe...

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